The Healers Art Membership

Course Summary

 At a deep level this membership will support women in:

-Finally actualizing the dreams on their vision boards
-Finding fulfillment and deep connection in their relationships
-Gaining clarity about themselves, their life and their purpose
-Living life knowing how to connect to their heart and higher wisdom
-Monthly healings and clearings to clear the old junk that keeps them stuck
-Discovering where they have given their power away and how to get it back
-Immersing themselves in spiritual healing
-Learning to fine tune and hone in on their intuition
-Revealing their hidden blocks to love
-How to have fun—a whole lot of fun!!
-Excavating their own unique gifts
-Connecting with their soul tribe- a unique sisterhood
-Stepping further into financial freedom
-Owning their truth! 

And Much Much More.......

Monthly Curriculum

It all starts Monday June 8th! ( For June only, we will start on the 2nd Monday of the Month)
All meetings that are live are on Mondays at 7pm central time.
4 Touchpoints a Month! 
Our monthly work together is all based on the Roadmap pictured above. Each month, you are sent a workbook to look at and work on while you go through the month.
Week 1
Each month we take one block on the Roadmap you see pictured above to discover parts about ourselves. This happens on the 1st zoom call of the month where we all come together as a community to explore ourselves. It's fun and interactive! (This is recorded and placed in your membership platform so you can go back and listen if you missed or want to review)
Week 2
Email challenge- this is a week to catch up and dig a little deeper than the previous week and do work on your own.
Week 3
This week we have a LIVE Q and A on Facebook with Christi where you are able to send in a question that might have come up for you during your inner work. Questions are answered live on Facebook and are recorded so you can go back and watch if it you missed it.
Week 4
This is done as a Facebook live where Christi hones in on the energy of the group and clears a lot of beliefs and things that might have come up for you this month so that you are in a good space for next month's work. This alone makes the whole membership worth it! People love these clearings and how they fill afterwards! (This is also recorded so you can go back and watch)

Membership Curriculum

Christi Diamond

Christi Turley Diamond B.S., M.Ed.

Author, Grief & Loss Recovery Specialist, Energy Healing Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Creator of the Aroma Heal Method, ​Speaker, and is a Director at Marriage Boot Camp along with her educational background and degrees has a plethora of knowledge and experience. 

Christi has worked with hundreds of women to assist them in conquering the effects of grief, trauma, and loss. She has travelled the country doing book tours, speaking and teaching healing techniques to audiences everywhere.  She worked as a Victim Services Specialist for Mothers Against Drunk Driving and spoke professionally on their behalf at many events and in the media. She is passionate about helping women be intentional in designing the life and marriage they want. She is a trauma informed healer and is exquisitely intuitive. She lives on a beautiful plot of land with a retreat center called ‘Healing Acres’ where she facilitates women’s retreats and does exclusive couples intensives alongside her husband and soulmate Rick Diamond.

Course Pricing

  • The Healers Art
  • $59 USD

    per month Buy Now